Alert Level 3 update: 29 Apr 2020
HBH remains in lockdown
In accordance with the Director General of Health’s guidelines on Level 3, HBH Senior Living will remain closed to visitors. The only exception is for residents in palliative care and this will be decided case by case.
Communicating with your relative(s)
- We have been doing our best to ensure that residents and families stay connected through phone calls, emails and video calls, and we now have more iPads available to do this. If you are already communicating with your relative electronically then please continue to do so.
- If you are not currently able to video call, but would like to, we are encouraging relatives to adopt WhatsApp. This is a free app that can be downloaded to a smartphone. To access WhatsApp, please follow these steps:
- Go to the App Store on your mobile phone and search for WhatsApp
- If you don’t know how to load or use WhatsApp please in the first instance, ask family or friends to advise you. If you don’t have anyone to advise you, we can try to assist over the phone. Please email Lee Warmington if you need assistance.
- Once you are set up please email Lee Warmington the following information:
- Your relative’s name and the community they live in
- Your mobile number
- Your preferred time of day and day of week to connect with your relative. Please be flexible as we do have limited times available.
Please note – this service is for one to one chats only. If you wish to have a group chat you will need to arrange yourself.
Remember, if you have questions or concerns you can phone the RN in charge of your community.
Other ways to stay in touch
We are regularly posting pictures on the HBH Facebook page of activities at HBH. If you are not already, please follow us on
We are also posting Covid 19 updates regularly on this website.
Specific information for 139 on Union residents
No external visitors will be allowed to the apartments to ensure that residents remain as safe as possible.
Apartment residents will be able to:
- Invite one other resident from within 139 on Union to visit their apartment so long as –
- a record is kept of the visits
- hands are washed and sanitised before and after the visit
- only one person is in the elevator at a time
- residents sit 2 metres apart
- Food is not shared. A cup of tea or coffee is fine.
- When the visit is over, any surfaces that have been touched should be wiped down with soapy water, and cups etc are washed in soapy water immediately
- No visits should take place if a resident is feeling unwell.
Small group activities will resume for 139 on Union residents in the week of 4 May. Residents will be notified of these and the guidelines during these activities. Unfortunately residents who are doing their own shopping will not be able to attend these social events, however those attending medical appointments can as the level of infection control is expected to be high at these venues.
- HBH can arrange shopping for 139 on Union residents
- 139 on Union residents cannot visit residents in the rest home or hospital